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Search Results for "McConnell sounds the alarm on IRS ' snooping around' in Democrats reconciliation bill"
McConnell sounds the alarm on IRS ' snooping around' in Democrats reconciliation bill
Democrats’ Historic Tax Hikes and IRS Spying Would Hurt American Workers and Help China
'Chairman Sanders' Socialist Shopping List': McConnell Tears Into Democrats' Reconciliation Bill
'Mass, Indiscriminate Government Surveillance': GOP Sen Raises Alarm On IRS Provision In Dem Bill
A Tidal Wave of Tax Hikes and New IRS Snooping
McCarthy Leads Roundtable On 'IRS Surveillance' Proposal From Democrats
McConnell BLASTS IRS, political left for not protecting and misusing taxpayers' data
Blunt Blasts Democrats’ IRS Snooping Proposal
Mitt Romney Warns Of Dangers Of Democrats' Reconciliation Bill
TOLD YOU SO: McConnell says GOP followed through on not raising the debt limit
Biden Administration changing IRS report policy, prompting many to oppose it
Jodey Arrington Says Reconciliation Bill Is ‘Political Death Warrant’ For Democrats